Niveau |
Match X +
X |
Gagnants | Prix par gagnant |
Prix #1 I |
Match X :
6 |
Gagnants: 2 | Prix par gagnant: 2 473 272,71 $AU |
Prix #2 II |
Match X + X :
5+ 1 |
Gagnants: 77 | Prix par gagnant: 7 761,40 $AU |
Prix #3 III |
Match X :
5 |
Gagnants: 1 282 | Prix par gagnant: 705,55 $AU |
Prix #4 IV |
Match X :
4 |
Gagnants: 59 333 | Prix par gagnant: 22,60 $AU |
Prix #5 V |
Match X + X :
3+ 1 |
Gagnants: 142 107 | Prix par gagnant: 14,80 $AU |
Prix #6 VI |
Match X :
3 |
Gagnants: 792 323 | Prix par gagnant: 7,90 $AU |
Somme totale: | Total des gagnants: 995 124 | _('Total Prize') ?>: 16 152 149,42 $AU |
Check the current Saturday Lotto draw results online and see if you won the jackpot or another cash prize in Saturday Lotto. Presented results come from the official website of the organizer of this amazing lottery.
You can also check the archive results of the Saturday Lotto draws – use them to create your own draw statistics and strategies for choosing lucky numbers.
You can check the exact information from each Saturday Lotto draw in the table: the number of winners in each prize tier and the amount of prizes paid.
Would you like to become a lotto millionaire? Play Saturday Lotto Australia online today!