doublejack supports « Saving Sri Lanka »

doublejack supports "Saving Sri Lanka"


Sri Lanka is experiencing a multi-dimensional economic crisis compounded by food insecurity, growing conservation concerns and scarcity threatening lives and livelihoods.

Development and humanitarian partners in Sri Lanka estimate that nearly 5.7 million citizens are in need of immediate humanitarian assistance in 25 districts across the country. The 1.7 million people targeted by the GNP are among those whose livelihoods, food security and access to health services are most at risk.
The UN Resident Coordinator in Sri Lanka emphasized the urgent need to prevent a humanitarian crisis later in the year while bridging efforts toward longer-term development needs.

“Sri Lanka’s once-strong healthcare system is now in jeopardy, livelihoods are suffering and the most vulnerable are facing the greatest impact,”.
Food production in the last harvest season was 40 to 50 percent lower than last year, and current seed and fertilizer shortages, as well as a lack of credit for food producers, threaten the next production cycle.
Prices have jumped significantly since the end of 2021, forcing families to resort to skipping meals, eating cheaper meals or limiting portion sizes. Almost 22 percent of the population needs food aid. The food security situation in Sri Lanka is multi-factorial, unless we act now, many families will not be able to meet their basic food needs. Let’s Stand Together Together we can change the world!

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